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The Name Caller

Hamed leaves his hometown and goes to Cairo to work as a gatekeeper in a building. He marries Fathia, who comes to live with him in Cairo. Fathia gradually learns to read and write and she aspires to work in a good job while Alaa who lives in the building tries to woo her.


1h 38min
  • حسين كمال (مخرج ) مها المشري
  • Hussein Kamal
  • شويكار
  • شكري سرحان
  • ماجدة
  • إيهاب نافع
  • ميرفت أمين
  • سهير الباروني
  • Shokry Sarhan
  • Ihab Nafea
  • Shwikar
  • Mervat Amin

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